Union Castle Line Fleet brochure

The elegant art nouveau cover of this 1922 is a signpost to the typical Edwardian design within.  In both appearance and content, the brochure harks back to pre-war elegance and style, with a post-war fleet now consisting of older ships reclaimed from wartime duties, and one or two new post-war ships still looking back to traditional pre-war design. 

Surviving pre-war brochures showcased not only the grandeur of country house interior design repurposed for First Class life at sea, but also back-of-house services including the galley, pantry, and laundry.  The custom survived (only just) into this brochure with a glimpse of the Arundel Castle’s 1919 galley and pantry, together with some accompanying assurance about the top of the range appliances within.  This was the last time that service areas would make an appearance in a brochure for some decades.

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